September 4, 2009

New York is waking up

Filed under: The Writing Life — jenny @ 6:01 pm

Once Labor Day weekend draws to a close, the world of publishing will be coming to life like a cranky old grandpa shaking off his afternoon nap.

Or maybe like a newborn babe, wide eyed and beaming, excited to face whatever’s new.

I’m hoping for the latter.

I realize I’m jumping ahead in my story a bit, but my novel is on sub now, and I do wonder what the future will hold.

The wonderful writer Joshilyn Jackson once was kind enough to answer an email I sent her. (More on such emails another time.) She called submission a special kind of hell. It’s true if hell is being totally out of control, filled with hope, fear, and anxiety, counting on a dream that may not come true.

Or is that just life?

Weigh in with your own sub stories, please.

And here’s to the end of a beautiful summer!

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